- 散景虚化:模拟真实相机镜头的散景效果。
- 操作简便:在相机属性中直接操作,简化了使用流程。
- 亮度自动校正:使用插件时自动校正亮度,防止图像变暗。
- 焦距和比例调整:允许用户调整焦距和比例,同时保持镜头元素对齐。
- Blender 4.2
- Blender 4.0
- Blender 3.0
- 打开Blender,在顶部菜单选择“编辑(Edit)”。
- 进入“首选项(Preference)”。
- 点击“插件(Add-ons)”。
- 选择“安装(Install)”,并从弹出窗口中选择对应的ZIP文件进行安装。
- 电影和视频制作:为电影和视频项目添加专业的镜头虚化效果。
- 游戏视觉效果:在游戏中模拟真实相机的视觉效果。
- 3D动画:在3D动画中增加镜头虚化,提升场景的真实感。
Pro Lens V2.1插件为Blender用户带来了更加真实和易于控制的镜头散景虚化效果。无论是用于电影制作、游戏设计还是3D动画,Pro Lens都能够提供专业级别的视觉效果。
This is the version 2.0 of the Pro Lens add-on. I’ve really gone in and remade the whole thing and I’d say it’s quite different from the last version and a whole lot better. Everything is now a lot more smooth to use and works great with the newer versions of blender. I’ve added buttons and panels in the Camera Properties where you can add or remove the effect, adjust the strength and add natural vignetting. I’ve also made sure that you can adjust the focal length and change the ratio while still having all of the lens elements line up. Something that made the old version pretty clunky to use. I’ve also added a feature that allows you to auto correct the brightness so your image won’t get dark when using the add-on. I have removed the different dirt elements and color adjustments to make the whole thing a little easier to use but those are some things that I might add in the future.
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