- 高分辨率建模:学习如何在没有扫描数据的情况下,使用相机布局和行业知识建模高分辨率车辆。
- 下游部门协作:教授如何创建适用于纹理/外观开发、绑定、动画、特效和照明等部门的干净、健壮模型。
- 行业技巧:分享Josh Docherty的个人技巧和行业经验,帮助学习者提高建模效率和质量。
- Redshift:用于渲染。
- Lightroom:用于照片编辑。
- Maya:主要建模软件。
- Photoshop:用于图像处理。
- 教程时长:2小时52分钟。
- 素材:不包含工程文件。
- 字幕:英文无字幕。
- 视频格式:MP4,分辨率为1920×1080。
In this 3-hour workshop, Josh Docherty takes you through the process of modeling a high-resolution vehicle without a scan, relying on the use of camera lineups and using his tips, tricks, and industry knowledge to create the same high-quality, pipeline-ready asset in a limited amount of time.This tutorial teaches how to create a clean, robust model for downstream use by other departments, including Texturing/Lookdev, Rigging, Animation, FX, and Lighting. Different departments often have many requirements and needs that modelers are responsible for ensuring are considered and fulfilled to the best of their abilities. This helps the entire pipeline perform efficiently for all things model-related.
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